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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Pinterest social networking site.

pinterest is another very popular social networking site. Pinterest is listed among top 10 social networking sites. It has very unique features.Pinterest is only for images and pics surprisingly i.e. we can only post and share images. We can upload status or text but we can give a description for any image or pic.

Using pinterest is very interesting and easy as well. You don't have to upload images for sharing on pinterest. Yes , right, here you can share images which already exists at internet on various sites.

The sharing process here is dramatic and interesting. Just follow the following steps to start pinning (here sharing images is called as pinning and so a share is called a pin) images on pinterest.

#1  login to your pinterest account.If you are a new member you have a option to sign in with facebook or twitter as well.

#2  You will find a "pin it button" option in about column at right corner as shown in the pic.Just click that button.

#3  You will be redirected to a URL where pin it button exists. Just drag the pin it button to your bookmarks bar. The button is highlighted in the pic below.

Now pinning Images is very easy. Just go to any site and click the pin it button on bookmarks bar. And You have a pop up window which will ask you that which image you want to pin, just click that image. 

How useful is pinterest for SEO ?

Pinterest is very entertaining website. This makes it very popular social networking site on internet.. Obviously this helps in getting a lot of traffic from this site.

Below are the benefits of pinterest website:

#1  Being popular pinterest generates a lot of traffic.

#2  The home page or the boards in this site are not visible when java script disabled , so this sites doesn't looks good for getting backlinks.

#3  The pages for individual pins are visible when java script is disabled. So this will help your backlinks increase. Also proves "this sites doesn't looks good for getting backlinks" wrong ,which is mentioned in point no. 2

Overall this site is very good for Seo as it helps both traffic and backlinks. Its very interesting and using this site is fun. Just a perfect social networking site.


Sunday, 17 June 2012

StumbleUpon : Social Networking Site Is a Socail Bookmarking Site , I would also call it a social networking site due to its features and large network.

Using  Stumbleupon is very easy.Just register and login to your account.

#1   You select your interest – categories would br given like internet , football , games ,sports , ecommerce etc. Select all your categorioes about which you are goging to post or which things you are going to share.

 #2   Follow people,your friends  and users so your stumbles ( here shares,  status, and bookmarks are known as stumbles)  could be shared to them . The more views your stumbles have the more they will be visible on stumble upon i.e your stumbles will be visible on front page if you have the maximum views.

Stumbling is a simple process. Just follow the following steps :

#1  Login to your stumble upon account

#2  Go to profile as shown in the pic below

#3  You can see a “add a new page”  option in the bottom left of your profile page. You can see that option in the below. Just Click that.

#4   Fill the details like URL , category, Safety, etc. as shown in the pic below. And You are done


#1  The pages that you have added are now visible on

#2  The more views you get there will be more increase in visibility of your page.i.e if you have most views your page will be visible on the home page of stumble upon.

#3  You can get more views on stumbleupon by having more followers and sharing your stumble upon page on various social sites like twitter, facebook, etc. 

All the best for your stuimbles 

How Good Is Stumble Upon For SEO ?

Stumbleupon is very good for SEO infact.
Read the following things about stumbleupon to justify the above sentence

#1  You don't have to create a content while creating a page on stumble upon.This helps you in saving time.

#2  The pages that you  create never get deleted until you do.  

#3  Your stumbles with time could get listed on the home page if you get many views.

#4  You get a backlinks form the pages that you create on stumbleupon

#5  You Also get traffic from Stumbleupon pages.

Overall this site is very good for SEO. Easy to use and helpful in both getting backlinks and traffic.
I would Rate this site and Give it 4 out of  5 I had an Opportunity.
I Deducted 1 star because it is not as popular as Facebook or twitter. Its gaining popularity day by day and hopefully becomes very popular on internet.


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