When I started using twitter I followed many people.Few followed me back but all didn't followed me back.So Ultimately I ended up with an unbalance in followers and following.
I wondered If I could unfollow all of them who are not following me back.Why to keep following people who are not following you back?
If you think you can'y get rid of people who are not following you back then you are wrong.
One day I discovered or found the site http://manageflitter.com where I got rid of people who are not following me back.This is true and I am not kidding.
Yes you can unfollow 100's of people @ a couple of clicks who are not following you back.
All you need to do is :
> visit http://manageflitter.com .
>click connect to twitter.
>It will take only few seconds to load & display your twitter stats.
>you will be shown the list of people who are not following you with deep stats like no. of tweets by him,following, followers,etc.
>you just select all those or whoever you want to unfollow & click unfollow selected.
>And mission accomplished.
>you will see the people being unfollowed on your twitter account.
Here you could not only unfollow people but you can also follow people with a couple of clicks in a pro or premium account.
This is more than just a unfollow users on twitter tool. However unfollowing people is available in free account.
I experienced this tool & I would like to give it 5stars out of 7stars.
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