Saturday, 29 September 2012

Error Copying A File Larger Than 4 GB

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Many errors occur while copying a file larger than 4gb. The messages displayed in the error window are different. But there is actually only one error.

I wondered why a file larger than 4gb is not getting copied inspite of having a pendrive of 8 gb.

The reason is when the drive , pen drive is in fat32 format you cannot copy a file larger than 4gb. The fat32 is a older system which allows you to copy a file only of smaller than 4 gb.

To copy larger files you just have to follow the given steps


> Insert you drive

> Right click the drive and choose format

> Select "NTFS" under file system

> format the drive.

Now you will be able to copy a file larger than 4gb. NTFS is a new type file system which allows you to copy larger files.

Note: backup all yopur data from the drive you are formating for converting it in NTFS file system.


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